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How Do I Tell If I Am Skinny Fat? Guidance from Weight Loss Clinic in Singapore

Learn about weight loss programs at a clinic in Singapore for weight management.

Many people assume that being skinny automatically means being healthy and free from health risks. After all, if you're slim, how could there possibly be anything wrong?

However, this isn't always the case. Those in the "skinny fat" category might want to rethink that assumption. Despite having a slim appearance, individuals who are skinny and fat carry hidden risks that can be just as dangerous as those faced by someone who is visibly overweight.

In this article, we discuss the term 'skinny fat' and what it means for your health at a weight loss clinic in Singapore.

What's behind the skinny fat paradox?

The skinny fat paradox lies in the misleading nature of a slim appearance. Skinny fat individuals typically have a body mass index (BMI) within the normal range, yet their body composition tells a different story at a weight management clinic in Singapore.

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The primary issue at a weight management clinic in Singapore is an imbalance between fat and muscle. Without sufficient muscle mass to support their frame, these individuals may carry more fat, particularly in areas like the abdomen, which is a focus area at our weight loss program in Singapore.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and lack of resistance training often contribute to this condition. While these factors may not result in weight gain, they can lead to muscle loss and fat accumulation over time, emphasizing the need for effective weight management in Singapore.

What does skinny fat look like?

Skinny fat manifests differently in males and females, but there are some common physical characteristics to look out for. They may have a soft, flabby appearance rather than a lean, defined physique. Despite their slim build, they may still struggle with areas that appear out of proportion due to excess fat, highlighting the importance of consulting our weight loss doctor in Singapore.

For males

Men who are skinny fat have a more pronounced belly despite an otherwise lean body. This abdominal fat is typically visceral, surrounding internal organs and posing significant health risks, as noted in LMC’s weight management programmes in Singapore.

A common sign at a weight loss clinic in Singapore is a lack of muscle definition, particularly in the chest, arms, and legs. Men might find that despite their slim waistline, they have little strength or endurance, which can be a red flag.

For females

Women who are skinny fat may notice excess fat in their thighs, hips, and abdomen. Like men, they might lack muscle tone, resulting in a soft appearance rather than a lean one.

Women may also struggle with a lack of strength and stamina despite not appearing overweight. It can be incredibly frustrating for those trying to achieve a toned, fit look but unknowingly dealing with a higher fat-to-muscle ratio.

Hidden dangers of being skinny fat

The dangers of being skinny fat go beyond aesthetics. The real concern lies in the type of fat that accumulates in the body and the associated health risks. While subcutaneous fat (the fat under the skin) is more noticeable, visceral fat (the fat around internal organs) is far more dangerous.

Visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat

Visceral fat is fat that accumulates around your internal organs. This type of fat piles up on organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. You can pinch and feel subcutaneous fat just under your skin, but visceral fat is hidden deep within the abdominal cavity.

It is metabolically active and can lead to serious health problems if left unaddressed. Subcutaneous fat, while not without its issues, is less harmful compared to visceral fat, as it doesn't interfere with the functioning of your organs.

Health risks

Being skinny fat significantly increases your risk of developing various health conditions, including:

  • Cardiovascular disease: High amounts of visceral fat are related to a higher risk of heart disease, even in those who are otherwise slim.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Visceral fat contributes to insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes.
  • Metabolic syndrome: A cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
  • Fatty liver disease: Fat gathered in the liver can cause inflammation and damage, even in non-obese people.

How a Body Composition Analyser can help

Understanding your body composition is crucial for identifying whether you are skinny fat and assessing your health risks. This can be done through a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) which can provide valuable insights into your body's fat distribution, muscle mass, and overall composition.

This non-invasive and safe test uses electrical impulses to measure the different components of your body. It can distinguish between fat mass, muscle mass, and water content, giving you a detailed picture of your health. By identifying high levels of visceral fat or low muscle mass, you can take proactive steps to improve your health through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

A BIA analysis can be the first step toward understanding and addressing the issue. Knowing your body composition, you can work with weight loss professionals to create a personalized weight loss programme in Singapore to reduce fat, build muscle, and improve overall health.

Schedule a consultation with Lifestyle Medical Clinic

A body with low muscle mass and high body fat percentage carries its own set of health risks that are just as concerning as those associated with obesity. If you suspect that you might be skinny fat, or if you're curious about your body composition, it's essential to consult a weight loss doctor.

Lifestyle Medical Clinic is a weight loss clinic in Singapore offering comprehensive body composition analysis using BIA technology. Our experienced weight management team will help you understand your results and guide you toward a healthier lifestyle.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about our weight management programme.

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